meet Deb

Deb McCullough

Master ThetaHealing® Instructor/Practitioner
Awarded the Certificate of Science – ThetaHealing Institute of Knowledge® 
Instructor – Healing Touch Program
Intuitive with a focus on Healthy Energy!

The shape and direction of your life is dependant

on the beliefs  you hold about

yourself and about life.

Deb will work with you to uncover your potential


authentic, wholehearted living!


Deb trained in ThetaHealing® in 2008 while working in an Integrative Family Medicine practice as the Director of the Energy Medicine Division. All of Deb’s Basic and Advanced ThetaHealing training was completed while working alongside Canada’s first ThetaHealing® Instructor, who is also a psychologist. They are colleagues still.

Her skills have been developed through her extensive private practice and by teaching many, many classes over the years.

Can you imagine tuning into the source of pure energy

and understanding? It’s all possible for you!


Witnessing the fast and powerful, long-lasting changes it made for her clients and in her own life, the practice of ThetaHealing quickly became the focus of her work.  Hundreds of people from all walks of life have attended Deb’s classes and she has been fortunate to watch them understand and use their own natural intuitive abilities along with the brilliant ThetaHealing® techniques to bring about effective, lasting change for themselves. She is committed to your understanding and providing you with the best experience  in her classes and her sessions

By using Deb’s intuitive abilities and years of experience, you will examine your perspective of your unique self to find deeper clarity and understanding of your path.



Deb has a private practice based in Calgary, Alberta as an intuitive reader and teacher focusing on ThetaHealing® as well as leading workshops in expanding your own intuitive ability and manifesting, and ways to bring these concepts into your life.  Deb has spent most of her career training others—her first experience as an instructor was for Red Cross Water Safety which culminated with her teaching the swimming instructor courses. Then on to a 29-year career as a banker holding positions such as branch manager and in advisory capacities within the risk management team for Western Canada.


Having always been fascinated by the psychic and spiritual realms, Deb moved away from finance and chose healing as her next career focus. Over the years, she has studied and taught various methods of meditation; years of training and being a coach with Landmark Education; she is s a Healing Touch Practitioner and Instructor, a gifted intuitive trained in remote viewing under the methods of the Monroe Institute and has studied under masters in spiritual healing from South America and Europe. She is actively involved in teaching ThetaHealing® throughout North America, leading weekend intensive workshops on having spiritual concepts  visibly active in your life which maximize your potential.  With training in many modalities including Reiki, Aura Soma, mediumship, sacred geometry, crystal healing, etc.  she works as a medical intutive as well and  is actively engaged in remote viewing projects focused on social change.


Your beliefs determine your level of success, your health, relationships and more.

 Your whole life is affected by what you believe.



Private Sessions with Deb McCullough will be held in person, over the phone or by using Skype.

Contact Deb at 403-619-8809 or