


Upcoming   Courses:

 * listed – course name, place & date

* detailed Course information below dates



Basic DNA ThetaHealing® Course:


Regina, Sask     September 22,23,24    2023




Advanced DNA ThetaHealing® Course:


Regina, Sask     September 24, 25,26  2023


Dig Deeper:      


To Be Announced


Unleash Your Spiritual Power Tools! 


Dates To Be Announced



Family Ties:




Game of Life®: 




Disease and Disorder      





Plug in & Power UP!    



DNA 3:      



Intuitive Anatomy®:




Manifesting and Abundance®:




World Relations®:





Plug in & Power Up!

Turn the switch on your intuitive nature!


                        1 Weekend and 3 evenings

Registration: $600 +GST

– Early Registration $495


This workshop was created specifically to plug you in to your true intuition & give you practical tools that bring it’s power & understanding to your life. Whether you’re already using your spiritual gifts or are starting this exploration, this workshop is  guaranteed to open

new possibilities for you!

This course includes a one hour ThetaHealing® clearing session with Deb McCullough, course facilitator, scheduled separately from the course, to ensure that you are reaching your maximum potential.

Registration: $600 +GST


For registration:  book on-line

For inquires and for payment plan options:

  or contact Deb through this website or @

 or 1-403-619-8809







Basic DNA ThetaHealing® Courses

The Basic DNA course introduces you the ThetaHealing techniques and  teach you how to connect to and use Creative/Source Energy to transform physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual patterns held in place by deeply rooted belief systems. ThetaHealing is one of the few modalities that instantly transforms these limiting subconscious beliefs, allowing perceived limitations to fall away.


Come prepared for a life-changing experience!

The Basic DNA ThetaHealing class will cover the following:

  • using manifesting techniques to co-create their lives in the manner that they desireHow to access the theta brain wave and use it to connect directly to Source Energy
  • How to find and instantly and permanently transform subconscious, core beliefs underlying illness, emotional issues, and other challenges
  • How tap into Source Energy for readings and healings
  • How to look inside the body through intuitive readings
  • principals of energy healing
  • How to see and speak with guardian angels and guides
  • How to do future readings

The class will run on the first day from 6pm-9pm; 2nd & 3rd day from 9:30am-5:00pm

The cost of the three day class is $550.  Early Registration receives a discounted price of $495. if fully paid three weeks prior to the course date.
A $100 non-refundable deposit is included in these prices.

Registration: $550 alone – Early Registration $495


Combine with the Advanced Course – Early Registration – $925 – a savings of $175!

For registration : book on-line


For payment plan options and general inquires:

Contact Deb McCullough through this website

or or call 1-403-619.8809




Advanced DNA ThetaHealing® Courses

The Advanced DNA 2 Class takes ThetaHealing to the next level. Students will learn how to do faster, better Theta work that brings about profound shifts in consciousness.

Prerequisite: Basic DNA

The Advanced DNA Class covers:

  • Over 500 empowering downloads to shift your consciousness
  • Send Love to any Baby in the Womb – at the time they were, are or will be
  • Healings for a Broken Heart and Soul
  • Talk with the plants and trees
  • Clear and belief work on non-organic material
  • Bend time
  • connect to and speak with your Ancestors, guides and your Higher Self

    and much more!


Registration: $550 alone – Early Registration $495

Combine with the Advanced Course – Early Registration –  $925 – a savings of $175!


For registration :  book on-line


For payment plan options and general inquires

Contact Deb McCullough  Book on-line

or   or call  1-403-619.8809




Disease & Disorders ThetaHealing® Course

On the first day, the student will receive the Diseases and Disorders book which was created from insights Vianna has had from over 40,000 readings.

This seminar is definitely for the alternative professional. Every day for two weeks, the instructor works with you on your blocks of working with different diseases that have dramatic affects on the body’s well being. You will gain an in-depth understanding of disease from an intuitive perspective and discover hidden Belief Systems you have that may be impede your ability to heal emotional imbalances It is still what we believe inside that makes the difference!

This class is a foundational course in the  ThetaHealing Master certification.

Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Intuitive Anatomy







Game of Life


This 3-day course is designed based on real-life success cases & gives an opportunity to remove specific limiting beliefs & instill hundreds of feelings to achieve greater success in life  business.  Vianna partnered with Hiro to unite spirituality and business and this is the excellent result.

Topics include:

  • Belief work – Practical Approach
  • Free yourself from parent obligations
  • Be accepted by society and handle peer pressure
  • Receive infinite abundance
  • Grow your business as you wish and be ready for your success
  • Visioning and Manifestation

As the seminar was introduced, people started seeing success right away. What ever your goal was, whether business or personal, this seminar creates an opening to your vision into being.

Prerequisite: Basic and Advanced DNA Classes

Tuition: $735

For Game of Life registration : book on-line


For early registration, payment plan options, scholarships & general inquires:

Contact Deb McCullough at

or call 1-403-619.8809






Manifesting and Abundance



It is possible to create in the physical using your connection to the Creator of All That Is. Every statement, thought and action is reflected in what we manifest in our lives – good and bad. If you constantly say that you are poor or say you are financially abundant, you will be.

This course uses an amazing questionnaire to assist you to find the many surprising and deeply hidden blocks standing between you and your goals.   You will dig deep to clear them; focus your intention on your goals, look at your Divine Timing followed by how to make everything in your life work for you. You are then given all the positive new Feelings you need to establish abundance in your life.  This is not a get-rich-quick manual, but rather a universal tool of self discovery to utilize your potential to become rich in all aspects of your life.

Tuition: $620

For Manifesting & Abundance registration :  book on-line


For payment plan options and general inquires:

Contact Deb McCullough at

or call 1-403-619.8809







Family Ties


Registration: $425 + GST

You will by identifying beliefs that you have accepted from the family into which you were born. By letting go of genetic beliefs that no longer serve you, you can better know, recognize and accept yourself. In short, the more you completely love and accept yourself, the more you are just “free to be!”.

By freeing yourself from obligations and duties from your linage, you will formulate a new sense of identity and direction in life based on your own true goals and aspirations.

You will be using the basic tools of ThetaHealing and a number of innovative new exercises. Areas of focus include:

  • Clearing resentments toward one’s parents
  • Identifying energetic patterns in one’s family issues
  • Recollecting one’s intention in having been born into this world, and in choosing one’s particular family
  • A powerful process of integration with your higher self

Family Ties is a two-day class that is taught by Deb McCullough, Certificate of Science, Master Instructor


For registration:  For registration : book on-line 


For payment plan options and general inquires: 

Contact Deb McCullough through this website

or  @ or 1-403-619-8809






World Relations


This Course focuses on beliefs associated with races, religions, and people – past and present. You will discover and release hidden hatreds and resentments that goes back centuries to release on all four levels of belief. Once released, the way is open to embrace and accept people and the cultures of the world with true unconditional love.


In this day and age, the world has become a much smaller place. Cultures are much more in contact due to plane travel and the information age. We have a pressing need to understand and accept other cultures. You will be surprised at how many negative unconscious thoughts, feelings and emotions come to light in the Belief Work sessions. You’ll find genetic (ancestor) beliefs attached to fear, hatred and anger towards other countries, lands and their people that you never knew you had. This Course is a powerful tool for removing inner and outer conflict in yourself towards others.


Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Intuitive Anatomy

Tuition: $925  ($150 deposit to hold your place)

registration : book on-line

For payment plan options and general inquires:

Contact Deb McCullough through this website

or or call 1-403-619.8809




          Intuitive Anatomy


The Intuitive Anatomy Seminar is for the serious student YOU!  Join Deb McCullough  in-depth journey of discovery through the entire body. Deb trained in ThetaHealing® in 2008 while working in an Integrative Family Medicine practice as the Director of the Energy Medicine Division.

This is a  “Psychic Boot Camp”  you will become highly skilled at scanning and healing the physical body and finding the Beliefs held in each system and their relationships to physical “dis-ease”.

The clearer you become, the easier it is for you to work on their clients, and themselves. In each system, the student will learn the emotions, challenges and issues that the body has carried for a very long time.


Prerequisites: Basic  & Advanced DNA

Tuition: $2200 ($150 deposit to hold your place)

registration : book on-line

For payment plan options and general inquires:

Contact Deb McCullough through this website

or or call 1-403-619.8809





ThetaHealing® Manifesting & Abundance Class

This class addresses all aspects of your life!

Financial – career –   relationship –   family – health and more


It is possible for you to fulfill all your dreams with true joy! 

Included is a questionnaire designed to pinpoint your blocks on core and genetic levels. Learn the specific 100 beliefs that Vianna channelled from Creator which will unleash your inner strength to create all that you desire.

This class contains Vianna Stibal’s personal techniques for Manifesting and Abundance:

  • Learn how to create and receive all that you want and need in life
  • Identify and clear any “road blocks” that are limiting your manifestations
  • Transform the fears that block your successes and prosperity
  • Learn how to increase the power of your manifestations.
  • Learn to Heal the disease of poverty
  • Find what is holding your current situation to you and how to identify and clear the “Positive” beliefs that are blocking you

Prerequisite: Basic DNA and Advanced DNA





Intuitive Anatomy Class

Intuitive Anatomy is a three-week class that teaches you how to use ThetaHealing techniques throughout the systems of the body. You will go through different levels of beliefs and programs to see what is holding diseases and other ailments in the body. Each day you will “meet” the organs and learn about the diseases and beliefs associated with them and how to change them.

This class is designed to facilitate the development of your intuitive abilities. You will practice seeing inside the body and co-creating healings with Source each day. This class is an amazing experience that  enhances your abilities to work with yourself and those around you and facilitate your own healing in profound ways.

In the IA seminar the ThetaHealing® Instructor guides the student to:

  • learn and experience the magic of the human body.
  • learn that disease and disorders go hand in hand with the demonstration of emotions.
  • come to the realization that emotions are signals that the body is out of balance.
  • understand how much space is taken up by negative emotions.
  • know the specific Beliefs that come with diseases.

The clearer you become, the easier it is for you to do this work.  In each system, the student will encounter emotions, challenges and issues that they’ve carried for a very long time. This seminar is designed for the Creator to groom healers. The friendships that come out of this seminar can be forever.


Seminar Includes: Anatomical Chart Book & ThetaHealing® Intuitive Anatomy Manual





Empowerment and Enlightenment:
A Course toward Self-Love, True Self-Honouring, and Living Your Divinity

Coming soon!

This is a 3-Week Online, At Home Practice

Prerequisite: Basic DNA ThetaHealing Class

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” -Mahatma Ghandi

I honour you for taking the initiative and having the deep courage to embark on this journey. The passion and desire to awaken to your True Self is a journey that requires courage to look at the places of perceived limitation within you. Going to those deep places and facing the illusions that hide in the shadows brings forth tremendous spiritual growth and sheds permanent light on the once hidden, and often feared aspects of our Being.

So let us embark together on a journey of healing and growth. As we heal ourselves and reveal the illusions of limitation and separateness, we help blaze a trail for others to follow, just as those before have done for us. With each limiting belief we clear, we lessen the hold of that particular belief system on the collective consciousness. As we raise our vibration, we raise the vibration of the whole. In loving ourselves we offer a profound love to others that enables them to also come into a place of self-love. We are weavers of the cosmic web. Let us be so consciously and joyously.


Course Description

This course is designed for ThetaHealing Practitioners of all levels who want to address and clear programs that stand in the way of you deeply loving, accepting, and honouring yourself, feeling empowered, and living in awareness of your Divinity.

Course Structure: This course will take place over a three-week period. Students can work from home and on their own time. Broken into three related topics over the three weeks, the course will consist of testing and changing over 200 downloads and beliefs, and plenty of digging. You can do most the beliefs and downloads on your own, however the list of beliefs and downloads is designed to create a significant shift in consciousness. In other words, it is designed to bring your “stuff” to the surface. To help one another clear through whatever is coming up, or through the places we get stuck, an essential component of the course is that you commit to one hour of having a partner work on you each week. (Your partner does not need to be in the class, although it is fun to pair up with someone who is taking the course along with you. This means, of course, that you will work on them for an hour as well each week.)

Private Session: Included in the class is a 45 minute private session, in person or on the phone sometime during or after the 3 week period of the class.

Online Discussion: We will have an online forum in order to facilitate sharing and communion. There will be opportunities to post questions and receive answers to whatever may be coming up.


Week One

In the First Section we will be addressing beliefs and downloads that pertain to Loving and Accepting Yourself Completely.

When we love ourselves we are empowered to be and live into our truest Beingness. We move through the world making choices that honour ourselves and thus honour the world around us. Loving and accepting ourselves deeply allows us to foster relationships in which tremendous love, trust, and joy can flow. We feel safe, nurtured and cared for because we have uncovered and allowed to flow the unlimited love of which we are most essentially a part.


Week Two

In the Second Section we will be looking at Honouring Yourself and Your Choices as well as what it means to be our Own Authority.

Loving ourselves means that we make choices that are good for us; that honour who are as well as honour those around us. Having the confidence from within to make good choices and follow through with these choices gives us a sense of empowerment, as well as freedom as we move through our lives feeling in control and trusting our intuition.

When we allow the world around us, society, and other people be the authority of who we are, we can silence and suppress our True Being. Turning the focus inward and allowing our inner Being to speak for us, be our authority, and our identity, we move away from identification with the impermanent exterior toward identification with the Eternal Divine.


Week Three

Finally, the Third Section addresses beliefs and downloads that pertain to your relationship with the Divine as a man or woman, and as a human being.

We are the Divine and the Divine is us. In this section we are going to address beliefs that perpetuate the illusion of separateness and smallness. When we know who we truly are, loving ourselves is easy! But it is the illusions and false beliefs about who we are that keep us in a place of fear and judgment. We forget the truth that we are beautiful individually expressed sparks of God. We forget that our perceived imperfections are truly perfect and that they are often the very things that provide the greatest teachings that lead us closer to knowing our Divinity. If you are taking this course, you probably know all of this on a conscious level. What we are going to accessing are those deep caverns within us within whose shadows lie the false beliefs and illusions that hold us in the EXPERIENCE of separateness. Knowing that we are One with the Divine consciously is one thing, but EXPERIENCING it is the place in which we bring our knowing into our being.

The total cost of the course is $245.
A $75 deposit is required for registration, and the remainder of the fee is due the first week of the course.

Get ready for amazing change!!